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Sparkle's Core Values

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Here at Sparkle, we believe in our core values and embody them in everything we do. When hiring our professional cleaners, it is crucial that they align with the values of our company. We believe that our values light the way for our company, our team and how we serve our community. 

Sparkle’s Core Values:

  • Always Improving
  • Always Make It Right
  • Always Transparent

"Always Improving". Here at Sparkle, we are eager to level up our game as individuals and professionals. We are active listeners and receive feedback to be better versions of ourselves and our company. 

We believe in "Always Make It Right". The customer service that you received 20 years ago is back with Sparkle. We believe in serving our clients and doing whatever it takes to make it right. We are active listeners and believe in effective communication. 

"Always Transparent". We are an honest company and team. We are transparent about how we conduct business and how we serve our amazing clients. There is no guessing or wondering what we clean. Every cleaning proposal includes a bulleted list of what we clean. We believe in being transparent so everyone is happy in the equation. 

We believe that a strong and caring culture is essential for the success of our company. Our core values reflect our purpose, our culture, and shape the team and work experiences at Sparkle that directly impact our customers.